Hello everyone, we hope everyone is doing fantastic. As of April 23, 2022, we would like to invite a new guest to the Jamboree Family. Welcome Freshstatus, to the Jamboree Family. Use Freshstatus to report incidents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
We have NOT acquired Freshstatus. Freshstatus has volunteered in assisting us with our customer service end of the Jamboree Family.
A few clarifications:
* We are not only using Freshstatus as a means of receiving and acting upon reports. If you have an emergent issue, please reach out to our admins immediately.
* Freshstatus does NOT take over the role of our moderators. Our admins still have full responsibility over this site.
* Freshstatus is it's own entity, and while our branding may appear on it, we are not at all in ANY way an owner of their franchise.
* This is the link for OUR portion of this website: https://jamboree.freshstatus.io/
We hope this can save all of us some time and allow reports to be attended to as soon as possible.
We wish everyone a wonderful rest of your day, and welcome Freshstatus to the family!
Yours Truly,
Jamboree Team, on behalf of Jacob Stahl